Our Story

Founded in 2022 by Greg Vogt and Barry Evans, Clean Water Project emerged from a shared commitment to make a lasting difference by providing water filtration systems to communities in desperate need. Greg's background in the energy industry and Barry's experience in media converged, creating a dynamic partnership.


Realizing the Water Opportunity

Inspired by the stark reality of communities lacking basic clean water during their travels, Greg and Barry recognized the opportunity to address this global issue. The organization evolved into Clean Water Project, Inc., focused on utilizing donations to purchase and distribute water filtration systems globally.

Our Vision

Clean Water Project, Inc. is dedicated to utilizing donations to purchase and distribute water
filtration systems. From stand-alone systems for emergencies to permanent installations, we
aim to provide sustainable sources of clean water to communities in need. As a 501c3 non-profit
organization, your support makes a meaningful impact on our mission.
Explore our website for founder bios, additional contact information, and ways to contribute to
the Clean Water Project, Inc.